The official account of the voyage, Voyage de découvertes aux Terres Australes, was written by François Péron and completed by Louis Freycinet. The first volume by Péron was published in 1807. After his death in 1810, Louis Freycinet took up the task and the second volume was published in 1816. This historical account was accompanied by an illustrated Atlas (1807) and an Atlas of maps (1811). Louis Freycinet subsequently published a volume entitled Navigation et Géographie (1815), together with a complementary Atlas of maps and charts (dated 1812 but actually published in 1814).
A second edition of the historical account was published in 1824, together with an Atlas containing an expanded set of illustrations.
The two volumes of the first edition of the official account, digitised by the Barr Smith Library (University of Adelaide) and made available to the Baudin Legacy project, can be accessed below.
Voyage Vol. 1
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Voyage Vol. 2
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